Arthur Wood Backstamps & Potter's Marks
The Arthur Wood Pottery was based at the Bradwell Works in Longport, Stoke-on-Trent, the premises of Capper & Wood established in 1884 producing primarily teapots.
The Arthur Wood Pottery was based at the Bradwell Works in Longport, Stoke-on-Trent, the premises of Capper & Wood established in 1884 producing primarily teapots.
These pages have been added as a guide to date your pieces. We do not offer any further dating, pattern finding or valuations of your items. offer a service for pattern identification. Click here

Mark c1928+ Arthur Wood & Son (Longport Ltd) England Source: Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks
Arthur Wood became sole owner in 1904 trading up until 1928 when the company name was changed to Arthur Wood & Son Limited and further ranges of tableware were introduced. Potter's Marks & Backstamps of Arthur Wood & Son Teapots
Arthur Wood became sole owner in 1904 trading up until 1928 when the company name was changed to Arthur Wood & Son Limited and further ranges of tableware were introduced. Potter's Marks & Backstamps of Arthur Wood & Son Teapots

Mark c1934+ Arthur Wood Quality England Source: Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Mark.
The origins of this traditional English brand go back over 124 years to the Wood family, and the famous master potters Ralph and Enoch Wood.
The origins of this traditional English brand go back over 124 years to the Wood family, and the famous master potters Ralph and Enoch Wood.

Mark c1945+ Arthur Wood, Royal Bradwell Works, Longport, Stoke-on-Trent (Staffordshire, England) in operation from 1904 to 1928. Source: Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks

Mark c1954+ Royal Bradwell / Art Ware Source: Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain MarksArthur Wood and Art Deco. The application of bold design and modern shapes during the Art Deco period expanded the output of the factory with extensive use of floral patterns and lustre used in the production of various items including pottery jugs, vases, rose bowls and ornaments. The works name was adopted in the trade name ‘Royal Bradwell’ which was used extensively during this period. Source:

Mark c1954+ Quality Arthur Wood Made in England Source: Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Mark

In 1967 the company acquired the Carlton Works Pottery ... and continued manufacturing ranges under the Carlton Ware name. Trading continued right up until 1989 when the company became part of Price & Kensington Potteries.
Each Arthur Wood tea pot was allocated a four digit pattern number, significant examples being 5525, 6403, 6424 and 6730 or pattern names such as ‘Sandon’. Source:
Each Arthur Wood tea pot was allocated a four digit pattern number, significant examples being 5525, 6403, 6424 and 6730 or pattern names such as ‘Sandon’. Source:

From 1928 to 1989 traded as Arthur Wood & Son Ltd. Arthur Wood and Son carried on until sometime in 1989 where the company was bought up by the firm of Price & Kensington.
Since 1989 part of Price & Kensington Potteries, Longport. The company specialized in making teapots. Although I am not an appraiser, or an expert in dating pottery, I do collect beautiful teapots and teacups and often go searching for more information on the potter's markings. I look on the internet and search the pages of the Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks. If you have found your way here and discovered any mistakes in my findings, or can add to the information, I would be more than happy to be further educated. These are some of the markings I have found so far. Thanks so much for visiting
Since 1989 part of Price & Kensington Potteries, Longport. The company specialized in making teapots. Although I am not an appraiser, or an expert in dating pottery, I do collect beautiful teapots and teacups and often go searching for more information on the potter's markings. I look on the internet and search the pages of the Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks. If you have found your way here and discovered any mistakes in my findings, or can add to the information, I would be more than happy to be further educated. These are some of the markings I have found so far. Thanks so much for visiting